Bias Reporting System & Related University Processes

Bias Reporting SystemIDEAA Grievance ProceduresStudent Conduct Process
The purpose of the Bias Reporting System is to document and respond to bias-related incidents experienced by community members from all campuses, and to provide affected community members with support and resources.
The IDEAA grievance procedures are designed to review, investigate, and resolve alleged violations of the University’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination in Employment and Non-Discrimination in Education Policies, Affirmative Action Policy, the Policy Statement on Harassment, the Policy on Sexual Misconduct, and the Policy on Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships.The Office of Student Conduct (OSC) is commissioned with the task of detailing the rights and responsibilities of students, adjudicating disciplinary matters and, when necessary, imposing sanctions for violations in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. Under the Code, bias is deemed an aggravating factor to any Code violation, regardless of its category. The Law and Medical Centers also have formal processes for addressing student misconduct.
TrackingThe Bias Reporting Team tracks and reviews bias- related incidents and identifies opportunities for educational programming.IDEAA tracks reports and complaints of alleged discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
IDEAA reviews applicable data and identifies opportunities for educational programming and programmatic changes for compliance with federal and D.C. law
Student conduct processes maintain records as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and the SOM’s and Law Center’s Student Handbooks, consistent with applicable University policies and federal/local laws.
Possible OutcomesReporting bias may lead to informal actions in response to concerns identified, such as supportive resources for impacted community members.
Reporting bias may also lead to formal actions, such as investigations, which typically occur through referral to formal University processes such as the IDEAA or Student Conduct processes.
Filing a complaint with IDEAA may or may not result in a finding that a policy violation occurred. A finding of policy violation under the IDEAA grievance procedures may lead to sanctions, corrective actions, and remedies, consistent with applicable University policies and procedures. Informal resolution options also are available through IDEAA’s informal resolution process.A Code of Student Conduct violation that includes bias-related conduct as an aggravating factor results in more serious sanction(s) up to, and including, permanent separation from the University. Under the School of Medicine’s Code of Professionalism, allegations of bias are considered serious threats to the SOM’s stated virtues, values, and principles.
How to File a Complaint/Reporthttps://biasreporting.
ada/file- complaint/
studentservices/office- of-the-registrar/
studenthandbook /
edu/academics/ academic-resources/registrar/student-handbook/